Chocolate and Vanilla Stout Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting

I know stout cupcakes have been done before but probably never under these circumstances or with this beer (Aphrodite by Dieu du Ciel). When Abby, Meghan, and I went to the New Belgium Snapshot Wheat release party, we showed up without tickets and they still somehow let us in. Out of sheer excitement, I threw my arms in the air with my hands clenched in fists, somewhat of a double fist pump move. On the way up, my friend Meghan got in the way of my arm maneuver and BOOM! …. punched her right in the face. So to make up for my accidental wrongdoing, I made her some cupcakes hoping the magical powers of the stout would help her feel better. These cupcakes aren’t any ordinary stout cakes. They are chocolate and vanilla stout cupcakes topped with peanut butter frosting, chocolate ganache, and pretzels. They probably didn’t heal her, but at least she got a tasty snack. Meghan, next time I suggest watching where you put your face so it wont get in the way of my fists.

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